

A component to create versatile typewriter animations with.

A typewriter animation is an type of text based animation in which a piece of text is typed one letter at a time at a certain interval.

Has support for: multiple cursors, cursor selection, mouse movement, and keyboard movement.

There are two main ways to create a typewriter animation:

  1. By using the typewriterFromSentences function, it can create single cursor animations from sentences (strings). It does do by comparing and diffing the sentences and generating the required keystrokes to go from one sentence to another.
  2. You can use the typewriter composer, a web based tool to generate the animations using your own keyboard.

It can be found at:


Since 1.2.0


Creates an Typewriter based on the TypewriterConfig config.

You can also optionally provide an subscriber so you can get informed of the changes happening to the Typewriter.

Since 1.2.0


config : TypewriterConfig<T> ,
): Typewriter<T>


config: TypewriterConfig<T>

The initial configuration of the Typewriter.

subscriber: TypewriterSubscriber<T>

An optional subscriber which responds to changes in the Typewriter.


TypewriterBlinkAfterError blinkAfter duration must be a positive number

TypewriterDelayError delay duration must be a positive number

TypewriterRepeatError repeat must be a positive number

TypewriterRepeatDelayError repeatDelay must be a positive number or zero

TypewriterRepeatDelayError repeatDelay must be a positive number or zero

TypewriterCursorOutOfBoundsError cursor must be in bounds of text

TypewriterCursorNotAtSelectionEdgeError when cursor has a selection the cursor must be on edges of the selection

TypewriterCursorSelectionOutOfBoundsError the start and end of the selection must be in bounds of the text

TypewriterCursorSelectionInvalidRangeError the start of a selection must on or after the end of a selection

TypewriterActionUnknownCursorError actions must use cursors that exist


  • actions

    TypewriterAction []

    The actions which the Typewriter is going to perform.

    Basically the representation of the entire animation.

    The actions happen in a linear fashion, meaning the first item in the array is chronologically the first action, and the last item in the array the last action.

    Since 1.2.0

  • blinkAfter


    The time it takes until a cursor starts blinking again after the cursor was used.

    A cursor does not blink when it is used until after a certain time. So if you keep typing the cursor does not blink, until you stop typing for some "predefined amount" of time.

    The blinkAfter is what represents that 'predefined amount' of time, you can also say this is a debounce time.

    Note: when you set the blinkAfter to a number lower or equal to the delay of a TypewriterAction, it will negate the debounce. The effect is that all "CHANGED" events will have a "BLINKING" event. This might not "visually" affect your animation, but will make the Typewriter send extra events. If this happens it is technically as "misconfiguration" on your part, but the Typewriter will not throw any errors, since visually nothing bad happens.

    Defaults to after 250 milliseconds.

    Since 1.2.0

  • cursors

    TypewriterCursor<T> []

    The cursors the Typewriter has.

    Since 1.2.0

  • hasBeenStoppedBefore


    Whether or not the Typewriter has been stopped at one point before during the current animation.

    The hasBeenStoppedBefore is tied to the lifecycle of an animation, and reflects if the current animation has been stopped before or not.

    Whenever a new animation starts the hasBeenStoppedBefore resets to false. An animation starts whenever play() is called, or through autoPlay, and lasts until there are no more actions, or stop() is called.

    Use case: say you are making an animation which has a stop button to stop the animation. Say you also have another feature: a pause whenever the user hovers over the typewriter animation. These two features would cause a conflict:

    Whenever the mouse over happens you call play(), which negates the stop(), causing the typewriter to play again.

    To fix this problem you should on the mouse over not call play() whenever hasBeenStoppedBefore is true.

    hasBeenStoppedBefore is tied to the animation cycle so a user clicks on the stop button, and then on the play button, the hover on pause will work again. The hover now works only because hasBeenStoppedBefore is now false.

    Since 1.2.0

  • history

    TypewriterEvent<T> []

    Contains the history of the changes in the views array.

    Tracks 8 types of changes:

    1. INITIALIZED: fired when Typewriter is initialized
    2. CHANGED: fired when a change in the text of the typewriter occurred, when a cursor moves, or a when a cursors selection changes.
    3. PLAYING: fired when play is called.
    4. PAUSED: fired when pause is called.
    5. STOPPED: fire when stop is called.
    6. FINISHED: fired when the animation was finished. When the Typewriter is configured to repeat indefinitely the FINISHED event will never fire.
    7. BLINKING: fired when one of the cursors started blinking.
    8. REPEATING: fired when the animation starts repeating.

    Goes only as far back as configured in the Config property keepHistoryFor, to prevent an infinitely growing history. Note that by default no history is kept, as keepHistoryFor is zero by default.

    The last item in the history is the current active item. The further to the left the further in the past you go.

    This means that a history at index 0 is further in the past than an item at index 1.

    Since 1.2.0

  • isFinished


    Whether or not the Typewriter has finished playing the entire animation.

    Note: when repeat is configured as true the animation will never finish.

    Note: when the Typewriter is initialized the isFinished boolean will always be set to false, regardless of whether or not there are any actions.

    Since 1.2.0

  • isPlaying


    Whether or not the Typewriter is currently playing.

    Since 1.2.0

  • lastPerformedAction

    TypewriterAction | null

    The last action that was performed by the Typewriter.

    Note: lastPerformedAction is not affected by repeats.

    Since 1.2.0

  • repeat

    number | boolean

    Whether or not this animation repeats and how often.

    There are three ways to define repeat.

    1. When repeat is false or 1 it will never repeat the animation, the animation will run only once.
    2. When repeat is true it will repeat the animation forever.
    3. When repeat is a number it will repeat the animation for given number of times. If the number is 0 or a negative number is provided a error occurs.

    Defaults to false meaning that the animation will run once.

    Since 1.2.0

  • repeatDelay


    The time in milliseconds the animation is paused in between repeats.

    Since 1.2.0

  • text


    The current text of the Typewriter which it currently displays.

    For example if the actions are type in 'a' 3 times then a backspace. The text would be the following, after each of the 4 actions:

    1. 'a' 'aa' 'aaa' 'aa'

    Since 1.2.0


  • initialize

    Initializes the Typewriter based on the config provided.

    This effectively resets the Typewriter when called, including the history.

    Since 1.2.0


    initialize( ): void


    config: TypewriterConfig<T>

    The new configuration which will override the old one


    TypewriterBlinkAfterError blinkAfter duration must be a positive number

    TypewriterDelayError delay duration must be a positive number

    TypewriterRepeatError repeat must be a positive number

    TypewriterRepeatDelayError repeatDelay must be a positive number or zero

    TypewriterRepeatDelayError repeatDelay must be a positive number or zero

    TypewriterCursorOutOfBoundsError cursor must be in bounds of text

    TypewriterCursorNotAtSelectionEdgeError when cursor has a selection the cursor must be on edges of the selection

    TypewriterCursorSelectionOutOfBoundsError the start and end of the selection must be in bounds of the text

    TypewriterCursorSelectionInvalidRangeError the start of a selection must on or after the end of a selection

    TypewriterActionUnknownCursorError actions must use cursors that exist

  • pause

    When the Typewriter is playing it will pause the animation, as if the person using the typewriter stops typing, this means that the cursors will start blinking again.

    Calling play() again will continue the animation.

    For example: when the pause of the current TypewriterAction is 1 second and the pause is called after 0.8 seconds, it will after play is called, take 0.2 seconds to go to the next action.

    Since 1.2.0


    pause(): void
  • play

    When the Typewriter is paused or stopped it will start the animation from that point. If the animation was finished calling play() will restart the animation.

    When there are is no more animations the Typewriter will stop automatically.

    Is called automatically when the Typewriter is instantiated and there are actions configured and autoPlay is true.

    Note: the animation will only start when there are one or more actions are defined.

    Since 1.2.0


    play(): void
  • stop

    When the Typewriter is playing it will stop the animation.

    Calling play() again will restart the animation.

    Note: this will keep the text of the Typewriter as is, util play() is called again then the text will reset.

    Note: calling stop will also reset the number of repeats if repeat was set to a number.

    Since 1.2.0


    stop(): void
  • subscribe

    Subscribe to changes of the Typewriter. The function you provide will get called whenever changes occur in the Typewriter.

    Returns an unsubscribe function which when called will unsubscribe from the Typewriter.

    Since 1.2.0


    subscribe( ): UnsubscribeFunction


    subscriber: TypewriterSubscriber<T>

    The subscriber which responds to changes in the Typewriter.


    A function which when called will unsubscribe from the Typewriter.

  • unsubscribe

    Unsubscribe the subscriber so it no longer receives changes / updates of the state changes of the Typewriter.

    Since 1.2.0


    unsubscribe( ): void


    subscriber: TypewriterSubscriber<T>

    The subscriber which you want to unsubscribe.

  • unsubscribeAll

    Unsubscribes all subscribers at once, all subscribers will no longer receives changes / updates of the state changes of the Typewriter.

    Since 1.5.0


    unsubscribeAll(): void